2024 ANNUAL REPORT: Explore Fresno, Los Angeles, and Sacramento County Spotlights

Partner With Us

The RACE COUNTS team works with organizers and advocates to win racial equity.

By analyzing our existing data or exploring new avenues of research, our experts can support your campaigns and narratives

How we collaborate

We work with statewide networks and local advocates to make their messages and campaigns more powerful, from identifying the communities most impacted by bad policies to highlighting success stories.

Research Project

Collaborate with us on a joint report or research brief.

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Campaign Support

Request help generating new policy ideas or data driven messaging to strengthen and win reforms that transform systems.

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Fact Sheets and Publications

Request fact sheets and other supporting materials made with RACE COUNTS data to support your campaigns.

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Request an in-person or remote presentation where advocates, organizers, and residents engage with our data or learn to use RACE COUNTS.

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Get Started

Send us a message, and our staff will contact you to explore ways to collaborate.
