RACE COUNTS partners with community-based organizations and coalitions to create timely and impactful research reports, fact sheets, and other materials. These materials are key resources in the fight for racial justice.

RACE COUNTS 2024 Annual Report
This moment requires all Californians, regardless of race or background, to recommit to the creation of a state where everyone thrives.

RACE COUNTS 2023 Annual Report
In a world where information is power, understanding the racial disparities that persist in our communities is paramount.

We The Resilient: Stories And Data From American Indians / Alaska Natives In California
The California Native Vote project, in partnership with the California Consortium for Urban Indian Health and RACE COUNTS, is excited to invite you to read, “We the Resilient, Stories and Data from American Indian and Alaska Natives in California”

Reimagining Traffic Safety & Bold Political Leadership In Los Angeles
The PUSH LA coalition partnered with RACE COUNTS on a report that analyzes police stop and arrests data and highlight racial disparities. The report also includes recommendations to eliminate disparities in stops and arrests.

COVID-19 County Fact Sheets
RACE COUNTS developed fact sheets for 5 California counties that highlight COVID-19 data and provide provide policy recommendations on how ARP funds can advance racial equity in pandemic and long-term recovery.

COVID-19: Statewide Vulnerability And Recovery Index
RACE COUNTS along with its community partners developed a statewide COVID-19 Recovery and Vulnerability Index. The Index uses ZIP Code-level data to identify California communities most in need of immediate and long-term pandemic and economic relief.

Prioritizing An Equitable COVID-19 Recovery For Our Highest-Need Communities
RACE COUNTS along with its community partners developed a report that highlights the racially disparate impact of reopenings on COVID-19 case rates.
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