2024 ANNUAL REPORT: Explore Fresno, Los Angeles, and Sacramento County Spotlights

Disparity & Outcome Rankings

RACE COUNTS ranks the overall outcomes, amount of racial disparity, and impact by population size for all 58 counties and nearly 500 cities in California.

Ranking Table

Viewing the Ranking Table is the quickest way to see how your community is doing compared to others. You can filter by region, issue or indicator. You can also sort the table by population size and outcomes or disparity rank. Ranks can make compelling talking points because they are easily understood, still a better rank does not mean that there is no more work to be done on racial disparity and outcomes.

How is my community doing?

We assign communities to one of four categories based on how well they are doing on racial disparity and overall outcomes compared to the average. Communities with better than average outcomes and higher than average racial disparity are in the ‘Prosperity for the Few’ category. These communities will appear orange on maps, tables, and scatterplots. For example, if your community falls in this category for high school graduation, your community’s overall graduation rate is on the higher end, but students in some groups are substantially less likely to graduate than others. 

Communities with lower outcomes and lower disparity are placed in the ‘Struggling to Prosper’ category and will appear yellow. In these places, systems are producing worse outcomes for most residents. As RACE COUNTS calculations are based on comparison to the average, it is important to note that even when a place is doing better than others, disparities still exist and there is always room to improve outcomes. 

When a community has larger disparities and worse overall outcomes than the average, it is placed in the ‘Stuck and Unequal’ category and will appear red. Communities with higher outcomes and lower disparity fall in the ‘Gains at Risk’ category and will appear purple. in these places systems are producing better outcomes for most residents. 

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Color Key; Disparity & Outcomes Category

Color Key; Disparity & Outcomes Category
County Total Population Outcomes Rank Disparity Rank

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Learn how you can take action to eliminate racial disparity and use RACE COUNTS data to advance social justice.

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